Command Registration

Command registration is registering tags that correspond to actions for a command line tool to execute. There is a tree of tags so that more specific commands are done by listing multiple tags. E.g. “list” and “list stripes” are different actions and each tag controls which tags are allowed to follow. For exanmple traffic_ctl with commands like:

traffic_ctl shutdown
traffic_ctl metric set proxy.config.http.cache.enable 0

Internally this is done in traffic_ctl in an ad hoc fashion where each action is done by invoking a function and each such function must handle dispatching to any subcommand tags. This class is an attempt to make that generic so that action functions are leafs of command line parsing. This reduces cut and paste code along with making the tag hieararchy controlled from the top level of the program rather than being scattered across the implementation.


class CommandTable

The root of a set of registered commands.


Construct an empty command table.

using Action = std::function<ts::Errata(int, char*[])>

A function that performs the action for a command. This action is always a leaf, any additional arguments available are passeed to the function rather than checked for additional commands. The first argument to the function will be the number of arguments and the second an array of constant character pointers that are the arguments.

using NullaryAction = std::function<ts::Errata()>

A function that performs an action for a command. This action can be used on a non-terminal command but can take no arguments. It will be invoked only if no more arguments remain after processing the tag for the command.

class Command

An command action.

subCommand(std::string const &name, std::string const &help)

Add a subcommand to this command. The tag used is name along with a help string for diagnostics.

subCommand(std::string const &name, std::string const &help, Action f)

Add a subcommand to this command. The tag will be name. Help for this command will be help. If the command is invoked the function f will be called. This will be a leaf tag meaning that if this tag is reached no more subcommands will be accessible and additional arguments will be passed to f.

subCommand(std::string const &name, std::string const &help, NullaryAction f)

Add a subcommand to this command. The tag will be name. Help for this command will be help. If the command is invoked the function f will be called. This command will only be invoked if no more arguments are available, otherwise the additional arguments will be treated as subcommand tags.